OSU_Dave BeaversEdge Super Blue-Chip Sep 4, 2002 2,286 442 83 Jun 18, 2015 #1 If you don't follow golf, Brandel Chamblee is an on air analyst (his name sounds like he should be at a yacht club). Coach T and his son are at the US Open and ran into Brandel in the hotel lobby. Reactions: Herd21
If you don't follow golf, Brandel Chamblee is an on air analyst (his name sounds like he should be at a yacht club). Coach T and his son are at the US Open and ran into Brandel in the hotel lobby.
S Stewarst1039 BeaversEdge Two-Star Recruit Gold Member Feb 1, 2011 498 110 43 Portland Jun 22, 2015 #2 This is premium content. Please subscribe to view.